Hubungan Pengetahuan Peserta Didik tentang Sistem Reproduksi dengan Sikapnya terhadap Kesehatan Reproduksi di SMAN 4 Padang


Sinta Ramadani
Lufri Lufri
Fitri Arsih
Yusni Atifah
Ardi Ardi


Reproductive health is one of the main problems that occur in adolescents in Indonesia, including adolescents in West Sumatra, especially the city of Padang. In the city of Padang, many cases of risky sexual behavior were found by teenagers. The number of cases of risky sexual behavior that occurs in adolescents is caused by several factors, one of which is suspected to be a lack of knowledge about the reproductive system possessed by adolescents, so that adolescents also have a bad attitude towards their reproductive health. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between students' knowledge of the reproductive system and their attitudes towards reproductive health at SMA Negeri 4 Padang. This research is a descriptive research. The sample is 88 students of class X, XI, and XII MIPA. The research was conducted in the semester of July-December 2021 at SMA Negeri 4 Padang. Data collection was carried out directly by providing knowledge instruments in the form of questions about the reproductive system totaling 20 multiple choice questions and attitude instruments in the form of questionnaires about attitudes towards reproductive health as many as 26 statements. The data analysis technique uses product moment correlation. The results showed that the knowledge of students about the reproductive system included good criteria with a percentage of 51%. The attitude of students towards reproductive health includes good criteria, the percentage is 47%. There is a relationship between students' knowledge about the reproductive system and their attitudes towards reproductive health at SMA Negeri 4 Padang with a correlation coefficient value of 0.93 with very strong criteria, and has a significant relationship.


How to Cite
Ramadani, S., Lufri, L., Arsih, F., Atifah, Y., & Ardi, A. (2022). Hubungan Pengetahuan Peserta Didik tentang Sistem Reproduksi dengan Sikapnya terhadap Kesehatan Reproduksi di SMAN 4 Padang. Ruang-Ruang Kelas : Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, 2(1), 104-113. Retrieved from


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