Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Android Menggunakan Power Point Ispring Suite Free pada Materi Pisces Mata Kuliah Keanekaragaman Hewan
Developing scientific studies about fish, will not be separated from the research conducted by experts that are useful for producing new discoveries regarding the Superclass Fish (Pisces). To understand the findings that have been produced by experts, quality media is needed for the learning process. The learning media available at the Department of Biology, FMIPA, UNP are currently still limited and not sufficient to support the learning process of Animal Genetic Diversity or Cytogenetics which is important for classification and taxonomy, this causes students in the Department of Biology, FMIPA, UNP to be less interested in studying material related to Fish (Pisces) in the Animal Diversity course. This is due to the unavailability of theory on the device. This is the important reason for learning media based on Android Powerpoint Ispring Suite Free to make it easier for students to find learning information. This media has the advantage that it combines text, images, sound, and animation. In addition, this media is said to be interactive because it involves the user's response actively and has audio-visual elements. The purpose of this research is to produce Android-based interactive multimedia for valid and practical material for Fish (Pisces) Animal Diversity course. This type of research is development research. This study uses a 4-D models development model consisting of define, design, develop, and disseminate stages. The disseminate stage is not carried out. The subjects of this study were 2 validators of Biology expert lecturers, FMIPA UNP and 32 biology students. The object of research is an android-based learning media using Powerpoint Ispring Suite Free on the Pisces material for animal diversity courses. The research data are validity and practical. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the validity value of android-based learning media using Powerpoint Ispring Suite Free was categorized as valid with an average value of 81.8%. While the practical value of android-based learning media using Powerpoint Ispring Suite Free with an average value of 94.3% is categorized as very practical.
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