Respon Guru dan Peserta Didik Jurusan IPA terhadap Pembelajaran Online Selama Masa Pandemi pada Mata Pelajaran Biologi di SMA Negeri 1 Painan
The Covid-19 outbreak has caused various significant changes, namely the transition of the learning process, which is generally carried out face-to-face in front of the class, to online learning. Online learning is learning that is done through the internet. Response is a response, attitude, and reaction or result of a communication process. The results of observing the responses of several teachers and students of the Department of Science to online biology learning during the pandemic are still low. Therefore, further research was conducted to provide an overview regarding online learning. This research is a quantitative descriptive study and the research subjects are all biology teachers of SMAN 1 Painan, totaling 4 people and students of the Science Department at SMAN 1 Painan with a total of 243 people. The sampling technique used is total sampling for teachers and stratified random sampling for students. Researchers distributed response questionnaires. Research data were analyzed using the percentage (%) of the answers of teachers and students of the Department of Science. The results showed that the teacher's response was 59.8% in the bad category and 62.0% for students in the fairly good category. The constraints experienced by teachers and students, both internally and externally, cause an unfavorable influence on learning, so that learning objectives cannot be achieved properly. This can be used as evaluation material for schools, teachers and students. For this reason, it can be concluded that 1) the teacher's response to online learning biology is categorized as not good and good enough for students, 2) the constraints of teachers and students on online learning can be categorized based on aspects of internet access, devices and applications, materials, effectiveness, difficulties, and evaluation of online learning.
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