Analisis Kebutuhan Peserta Didik Mengenai Game Edukasi Klasifikasi Hewan Dengan Menggunakan Metode Permainan Koa Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Biologi Kelas X SMA
Examining popular teaching methods, such as the use of books, posters, and lembars, was the method of choice for this study. Thus, we might conclude that 17.07% of students have difficulty learning because the media is too diverse. Research in this paper is aimed at examining the educational needs of middle school students in biology using the game-based learning method known as "koa" to play as the medium for instruction. This is an R&D project using a 4D model. SMA Negeri 4 Solok students are the focus of this research. Analyses of the needs of students in the classroom, such as the use of games as a way to teach biology, have yielded the following results: a) Front-end Analysis: The use of games as a way to teach biology helps students learn the material; b) Learner Analysis: Peserta didik at SMA Negeri 4 Solok have difficulty understanding the material; c) Task Analyses: Peserta didik at SMA Negeri 4 Solok have difficulty understanding the material; and d) Analyses of the classroom, such as the use of games as a way to teach biology, have yielded the following results.
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