Correlation Between Learning Difficulties and Learning Motivation with Students Learning Outcomes on Online Learning in Class VIII at SMP Negeri 13 Padang
This study aims to determine the relationship between learning difficulties and learning motivation with student learning outcomes in online learning for class VIII SMP N 13 Padang. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method with the product moment correlation formula. The sample used in this study was 20% of all eighth grade students of SMP N 13 Padang, namely 60 people and the sample was taken randomly using random sampling technique. The results of the research conducted indicate that students' learning difficulties (X1) have no relationship and are in different directions with student learning outcomes while students' learning motivation (X2) has a fairly strong relationship with student learning outcomes. It is known that the correlation value of X1 and Y is -1.285 with a correlation value of 0.524 while the df value obtained for 58 samples in the table the value of "r" product moment at a significant level of 5% is 0.254. From these results it can be seen that rxy for learning difficulties is small from the table value so that Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected and for rxy learning motivation is greater than the table value so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.