Hubungan Gaya Belajar dengan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Biologi Peserta Didik Kelas XI SMAN 2 Padang
Learning style is a combination of how a person absorps, then manages, and processes the information received in the learning process. There are three models of learning styles, namely visual learning (learning by seeing), auditory (learning by hearing), kinestetik (learning by moving, working, and touching). The results of observation that have been made at SMAN 2 Padang that during the learning process in class, teachers sometimes find it difficult to know the learning style of their students so that learning process is often still teacher-centered. In addition, students don’t understand their own learning style which results in less than optimal learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between learning style and learning outcomes of Biology cognitive students of Class XI SMAN 2 Padang. This research was a descriptive study. Data collection techniques used non-test techniques, questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis in this study use the Pearson Product Moment correlation formula. The correlation significance test was carried out using the t-test formula. Based on the research that has been done, there is a significant relationship between learning styles and learning outcomes for Biology cognitive student of Class XI SMAN 2 Padang. The category of correlation value obtained is very low to strong.
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